St. Paul's Senior Secondary School, Udaipur

The Emblem contains A pair Shackled Hands, A Sword and an Anchor at the backdrop of the rising sun.
1. The Rising Sun Stands for the city of Udaipur. Sun is the symbol of Mewar Dynasty. This symbol asks all the paulians to spread their light and warmth all around them like the rays .

2. Shackled Hands  We are shackled by ignorance, pride, prejudice and youthful passion. Education should help us to break off these shackles to come to the light of knowledge humility and mature vision.
3. Sword  When the tempests of temptations besiege us, wield the Sword of righteousness.
4. Anchor  When the strong waves of doubt, greed, lust and killing instincts incite us, hold on to the anchor of truth, integrity, right thinking and right action.